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Vector Editor

The Vector Editor demo is an application which allows the user to draw and edit SVG path elements on demand.
Demo instructions
Click on a shape to edit its path. You can grab control points and path segments to move them. For more detailed instructions, please read the description below.

Made with JointJS+

The source code of this demo is available as part of the JointJS+ commercial license. Don't have a license yet? Start a trial and use the source code of this and many other demos for free, with no obligations, for 30 days.

Compatible with:

ReactAngularVueSvelteHTML5Salesforce Lightning

Made with JointJS+

All features required to build this demo are included in the commercial JointJS+ package. Don't have a license yet? Start a trial and build professional applications with ease.

Compatible with:

ReactAngularVueSvelteHTML5Salesforce Lightning

Made with JointJS

The source code of this demo is available in the JointJS open-source library which helps developers create simple visual applications in less time.

Compatible with:

ReactAngularVueSvelteHTML5Salesforce Lightning

Made with JointJS

All features required to build this demo application are included in our open-source library, JointJS. Download the package and create basic visual applications in no time.

Compatible with:

ReactAngularVueSvelteHTML5Salesforce Lightning

Instructions: Additionally, double-clicking anchor points (red) removes them; new anchor points can be added by double-clicking path segments. Double-clicking control points (blue) locks them with their neighbors. Finally, if you right-click a segment, you can convert it from a line to a curve and vice versa. You can start drawing your own shapes by clicking in a blank area of the paper. Add straight lines by clicking; curves can be added by clicking-and-dragging. Close the path by clicking the start point, or end drawing in place with a double click. (You can close up unfinished paths later by right-clicking their endpoints.) Grab a shape to move it. You can change its formatting in the Inspector sidebar. Double-clicking a shape allows you to resize it. You can also remove the shape altogether by pressing Backspace. Pan the viewing area by scrolling or by grabbing it with Alt key down. Press Esc anytime to hide editor overlays.

We equip developers with all the plugins they need to save time and focus their energy elsewhere such as:

  • PaperScroller
  • Snaplines
  • CommandManager
  • Keyboard
  • SVG
  • FreeTransform
  • PathEditor
  • PathDrawer
  • Inspector

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