
In the first part of the tutorial, we saw a working example of a simple JointJS application:

In this section, we will learn how to install JointJS and include it on our page.

For your JointJS application to run, the JointJS library has to be included in the source HTML of your page. Our initial example used a CDN to link to the required source files for JointJS:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- content -->
    <div id="myholder"></div>

    <!-- dependencies -->
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- code -->
    <script type="text/javascript">

        var namespace = joint.shapes;

        var graph = new joint.dia.Graph({}, { cellNamespace: namespace });

        var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({
            el: document.getElementById('myholder'),
            model: graph,
            width: 600,
            height: 100,
            gridSize: 1,
            cellViewNamespace: namespace

        var rect = new joint.shapes.standard.Rectangle();
        rect.position(100, 30);
        rect.resize(100, 40);
            body: {
                fill: 'blue'
            label: {
                text: 'Hello',
                fill: 'white'

        var rect2 = rect.clone();
        rect2.translate(300, 0);
        rect2.attr('label/text', 'World!');

        var link = new joint.shapes.standard.Link();


If you do not wish to use a CDN, you can install JointJS locally instead. Assuming that you have NPM installed on your system, run the following command in the command line (Terminal/Command Prompt):

npm install @joint/core

You can then find all the required source files in their respective folders inside the generated node_modules folder. The code segment would then look like the following (this is the form used in JointJS demos):

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- content -->
    <div id="myholder"></div>

    <!-- dependencies -->
    <script src="node_modules/@joint/core/dist/joint.js"></script>

    <!-- code -->
    <script type="text/javascript">

        var namespace = joint.shapes;

        var graph = new joint.dia.Graph({}, { cellNamespace: namespace });

        var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({
            el: document.getElementById('myholder'),
            model: graph,
            width: 600,
            height: 100,
            gridSize: 1,
            cellViewNamespace: namespace

        var rect = new joint.shapes.standard.Rectangle();
        rect.position(100, 30);
        rect.resize(100, 40);
            body: {
                fill: 'blue'
            label: {
                text: 'Hello',
                fill: 'white'

        var rect2 = rect.clone();
        rect2.translate(300, 0);
        rect2.attr('label/text', 'World!');

        var link = new joint.shapes.standard.Link();


JointJS source code: hello-world.js

Now that JointJS is included on our page, we can start building our diagram.

As a next step, we need to create a graph and assign it to a paper.