Custom Links

This is the fifth article of the intermediate section of the JointJS tutorial. Return to custom elements. See index of basic and intermediate articles.

JointJS comes with several built-in link shapes; we have already encountered joint.shapes.standard.Link in the basic links tutorial. However, built-in link definitions are not as plentiful as element definitions. It is thus very possible that you will find the need to define your own custom link type. Creating custom links is very similar to creating custom elements, with a few differences. The Link class is discussed in JointJS documentation, as well.

A new Link subtype is registered by calling the define() function:

If you want to create a Link subtype from scratch, you should inherit from the default joint.dia.Link class by calling joint.dia.Link.define(). You can also inherit from any predefined link (e.g. joint.shapes.standard.Link.define()) and even any custom link subtype you have previously defined.

Here is how the parameters of the define() function map to familiar building blocks of links:

Let us use the familiar joint.shapes.standard.Link shape definition as an example:

joint.dia.Link.define('standard.Link', {
    attrs: {
        line: {
            connection: true,
            stroke: '#333333',
            strokeWidth: 2,
            strokeLinejoin: 'round',
            targetMarker: {
                'type': 'path',
                'd': 'M 10 -5 0 0 10 5 z'
        wrapper: {
            connection: true,
            strokeWidth: 10,
            strokeLinejoin: 'round'
}, {
    markup: [{
        tagName: 'path',
        selector: 'wrapper',
        attributes: {
            'fill': 'none',
            'cursor': 'pointer',
            'stroke': 'transparent'
    }, {
        tagName: 'path',
        selector: 'line',
        attributes: {
            'fill': 'none',
            'pointer-events': 'none'


The first argument of the define() function is a unique identifier under which you want to be able to find the new type. The first part of the name, joint.shapes, is implied. Thus, we can see that the name of a type accessed as joint.shapes.standard.Link has to be 'standard.Link'.

var namespace = joint.shapes;

var graph = new joint.dia.Graph({}, { cellNamespace: namespace });

new joint.dia.Paper({
    el: document.getElementById('paper-custom-links'),
    model: graph,
    width: 600,
    height: 300,
    cellViewNamespace: namespace

joint.dia.Link.define('standard.Link', {
    attrs: {
        // Attributes
}, {
    markup: [{
        // Markup

By default, JointJS reads cell definitions from the joint.shapes namespace. If for some reason you would like to change this behaviour, it is possible to do so. We can achieve this by combining the cellNamespace and cellViewNamespace options which can be found on graph and paper respectively. Let's see how that might look.

var customNamespace = {};

var graph = new joint.dia.Graph({}, { cellNamespace: customNamespace });

new joint.dia.Paper({
    el: document.getElementById('paper-custom-links-namespace'),
    model: graph,
    width: 600,
    height: 100,
    cellViewNamespace: customNamespace

var Link = joint.dia.Link.define('shapeGroup.Link', {
    attrs: {
        // Attributes
}, {
    markup: [{
        // Markup

Object.assign(customNamespace, {
    shapeGroup: {

    cells: [
            "type": "shapeGroup.Link",
            "source": { "x": 100, "y": 50 },
            "target": { "x": 500, "y": 50 }

    attrs: {
        text: {
            text: 'customNamespace.shapeGroup.Link'

As you can see, type is very important, especially if you want to import a graph from JSON. In the example above, graph looks at the customNamespace.shapeGroup.Link path to find the correct constructor. If we were to use the incorrect type in graph.fromJSON(), that would mean graph is unable to find the correct constructor, and we wouldn't see our custom link.


Markup is usually provided inside the third argument of the define() function (prototype properties) for improved performance. (This is because markup is something that all instances of the link type are expected to have in common, so inheriting from the subtype prototype is more efficient. Nevertheless, it is still possible to provide custom markup to individual instances of your class by providing individual markup later).

The markup property is specified as a JSON array. Each member of the array is taken to define one subelement of the new shape. Subelements are defined with objects containing a tagName (a string with the SVG tag name of the subelement) and a selector (a string identifier for this subelement in the shape). Although JointJS can also understand SVG markup in string form, that approach is noticeably slower due to the need for parsing and lack of capacity for custom selectors.

A joint.shapes.standard.Link is composed of two subelements - an SVGPathElement named line and an SVGPathElement named wrapper. The line is the subelement that is supposed to be styled, while wrapper is a transparent helper subelement underneath the line that is designed to be interacted with.

    markup: [{
        tagName: 'path',
        selector: 'wrapper',
        attributes: {
            'fill': 'none',
            'cursor': 'pointer',
            'stroke': 'transparent'
    }, {
        tagName: 'path',
        selector: 'line',
        attributes: {
            'fill': 'none',
            'pointer-events': 'none'

As you can see, attributes can also be defined inside markup. These are intended for attributes that all instances of a link type are expected to have in common; for such attributes, it is more efficient to inherit these attributes from the subtype prototype instead of each instance having their own copy because it avoids unnecessary iterations in the cell attributes update loop. (Nevertheless, again, it is possible to overwrite these prototype attributes by individual instance attributes if absolutely necessary).

In our example, markup.attributes are used to reflect the intended use of the two subelements of the link, which is not expected to change - wrapper has a transparent stroke since it is not expected to be styled, while line has 'pointer-events' deactivated since it is not expected to be interacted with. Both subelement paths also remove the default SVGPathElement 'fill' which is not usually terribly useful within links.

An important caveat is that markup.attributes can only store native SVG attributes, not JointJS attrs. This means that JointJS special attributes are not recognized (since markup.attributes are not supposed to change, they would not be able to reflect possible changes in referenced subelements or in the size/position of model bbox).

Default Attributes

Default attributes are usually provided inside the second argument of the define() function (default instance properties). (This is because all instances of the link type are expected to have their own individual attributes, so inheriting from the prototype is likely to cause unnecessary overhead).

In the attrs object, keys correspond to subelement selectors, as defined in the markup. For each subelement, an object with attribute name-value pairs is then expected. Each of these attributes can be a native SVG attribute or a JointJS special attribute.

In joint.shapes.standard.Link, we can see that the subelement referenced by line (i.e. the stylable SVGPathElement component of the link) has a default dark-gray stroke of width 2, and a default target marker that looks like a small arrow. (Since the default target marker has no fill or stroke set, the colors are inherited from the line.stroke attribute by default.) The wrapper subelement (the interactive SVGPathElement component of the link) has a wider transparent stroke to make the link easier to click for users. Finally, notice that both subelements have the connection special attribute set to true. This means that they both automatically follow the connection path of the link instance as calculated by the link geometry functions:

    attrs: {
        line: {
            connection: true,
            stroke: '#333333',
            strokeWidth: 2,
            strokeLinejoin: 'round',
            targetMarker: {
                'type': 'path',
                'd': 'M 10 -5 0 0 10 5 z'
        wrapper: {
            connection: true,
            strokeWidth: 10,
            strokeLinejoin: 'round'

Default Label

The second argument of the define() function (default instance properties) is also where defaultLabel for custom Link subtypes may be specified. This allows you to provide custom default markup, size, attrs and position for labels that are created on an instance of your custom Link type. The defaultLabel property is explained in our documentation.

The joint.shapes.standard.Link does not define its own custom default label, so the built-in default markup, attributes and position are used unless they are overridden by individual label markup, attrs and position.

The defaultLabel accepts four optional properties:

Link labels are explained in depth in a separate section of the intermediate tutorial.

Static Properties

Static properties are not used by joint.shapes.standard.Link, but let's discuss them a little bit to gain a complete overview of custom links.

Similarly to our custom element example, imagine we wanted to define our own subtype of joint.shapes.standard.Link (which we name 'examples.CustomLink'), with the added benefit of a constructor function that chose a random style for the link's line - maybe because we need to add a lot of diverse links quickly. We could do this with a static function createRandom; then, we would have two ways to obtain an instance of CustomLink:

With the standard constructor ...

var customLink = new joint.shapes.examples.CustomLink();

... or with the new static function:

var customLink = joint.shapes.examples.CustomLink.createRandom();

Both of these functions are demonstrated in our example.


Let us apply everything we learned so far and create a new joint.shapes.examples.CustomLink class based on joint.shapes.standard.Link. Keep in mind that the provided instance properties are mixined with the parent definition, but prototype and static properties are not. This means that it is enough for us to record only the attributes that changed in the definition of the custom element subtype (however, if we wanted to change the markup, we would have to do so explicitly).

joint.shapes.standard.Link.define('examples.CustomLink', {
    attrs: {
        line: {
            stroke: 'cornflowerblue',
            strokeWidth: 5,
            targetMarker: {
                'type': 'rect',
                'width': 10,
                'height': 20,
                'y': -10,
                'stroke': 'none'
    defaultLabel: {
        markup: [
                tagName: 'rect',
                selector: 'body'
            }, {
                tagName: 'text',
                selector: 'label'
        // no `size` object provided = calc() operations need `ref` property
        attrs: {
            label: {
                fill: 'black', // default text color
                fontSize: 12,
                textAnchor: 'middle',
                yAlignment: 'middle',
                pointerEvents: 'none'
            body: {
                // calc() is responsive to size of 'label':
                ref: 'label', // subelement identified by 'label' selector
                fill: 'white',
                stroke: 'cornflowerblue',
                strokeWidth: 2,
                width: 'calc(1.2*w)',
                height: 'calc(1.2*h)',
                x: 'calc(x-calc(0.1*w))',
                y: 'calc(y-calc(0.1*h))'
        position: {
            distance: 100, // default absolute position
            args: {
                absoluteDistance: true
}, {
    // inherit joint.shapes.standard.Link.markup
}, {
    createRandom: function() {

        var link = new this();

        var stroke = '#' + ('000000' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16)).slice(-6);
        var strokeWidth = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
        var strokeDasharray = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1) + ' ' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1);

            line: {
                stroke: stroke,
                strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
                strokeDasharray: strokeDasharray

        link.prop('defaultLabel/attrs/body/stroke', stroke);

        return link;

We did not specify any defaultLabel.size object in our example, so JointJS was missing overarching reference width and height dimensions for use in the various attrs/body calc() operations. In order to use calc() operations anyways - specifically on attrs/body - we instead provided a ref special attribute to identify a reference subelement from which the dimensions could be determined. In our example, the reference subelement was the label SVGTextElement, so JointJS used its dimensions for the calc() operations inside attrs/body. (If we had specified neither defaultLabel.size nor an individual ref attribute on attrs/body, however, the calculations would have used 0 as the reference width and height, which would have been unexpected.)

Additionally, note that in our example the x and y position of the body subelement is also determined by reference to the label subelement - via calc() operations which refer to the x and y variables.

The following example shows the default look of joint.shapes.standard.Link (i.e. with no instance attributes set) alongside the default look of our custom link and the randomized results of the createRandom() constructor function. Every link has a default label added as well. Try refreshing the page to see createRandom() in action.

JointJS source code: custom-links.js

JointJS source code: custom-links-namespace.js

In the next section of the intermediate tutorial, we will learn about link labels.