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JointJS+ PathDrawer


Path drawer allows users to draw <path> elements.


Include joint.ui.pathDrawer.css and joint.ui.pathDrawer.js files to your HTML.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="joint.ui.pathDrawer.css">
<script src="joint.ui.pathDrawer.js"></script>

Create a PathDrawer

First, we create a PathDrawer object:

new joint.ui.PathDrawer({
    target: document.getElementById('example-canvas'),
    pathAttributes: {
        'class': 'example-path'
The constructor needs a target, a reference to an <svg> SVGSVGElement on the page, which will act as a drawing area. We can use one we created previously in the DOM, for example:

<svg id="example-canvas" width="800" height="800"></svg>

We can also use the .svg property of an existing Paper.


The joint.ui.PathDrawer constructor accepts the following options:

target SVGSVGElement Required. The drawing area. Any paths drawn by the user are appended to this <svg> element. They are not removed when the PathDrawer is removed.
pathAttributes Object Optional. An object with CSS attributes of the new path. Default values are:
    'class': null,
    'fill': '#ffffff',
    'stroke': '#000000',
    'stroke-width': 1,
    'pointer-events': 'none'
If your pathAttributes object sets the 'class' attribute (e.g. to 'example-path'), you can access the path for further styling through the #example-canvas .example-path CSS selector.
startPointMarkup string Optional. The SVG markup of control point overlay elements. Default is '<circle r="5"/>'. (CSS styling should use the .joint-path-drawer .start-point CSS selector.)
snapRadius number Optional. If set to a number greater than zero, the endpoint of the current segment snaps to the x- and y-values of previously drawn segment endpoints. The number determines the distance for snapping.


The joint.ui.PathEditor object provides the following methods:

render() Renders the path drawer. Called automatically after object is instantiated.
remove() Removes the path drawer.

For more fine-tuned programmatic control, you can emulate user interaction with delegated or synthetic mouse events. For example, to start drawing a path immediately after a pathDrawer is initialized:

paper.on('blank.pointerdown', function(event) {
    var vCanvas = V('svg', {
        width: 400,
        height: 400

    var pathDrawer = this.pathDrawer = new joint.ui.PathDrawer({
        el: vCanvas.node

}, this)


Users can interact with joint.ui.PathDrawer objects by clicking/touching its canvas:

mousedown touchstart
.start-point Calls onStartPointPointerDown(event). Closes the path.
Calls onPointerDown(event). If this is the first click of a path, creates a new path with a new start point. Otherwise, finishes previous action and starts a new one. If the user does not release the mouse and triggers a bound mousemove/touchmove event, this function starts drawing a curveto control point until a mouseup/touchend event is registered. Otherwise, starts drawing a lineto path segment.
mousemove Calls onPointerMove(event). If the user is currently drawing a path segment, the path endpoint moves with user pointer.
dblclick Calls onDoubleClick(event). Stops path drawing at the location of the double click. The path is not finished with a closepath segment.
contextmenu Calls onContextMenu(event). Stops path drawing at the location of the previous anchor point. The path is not finished with a closepath segment.


The joint.ui.PathDrawer object triggers various events that you can react on. Events can be handled by using the on() method.

clear Triggered when the pathDrawer is cleared.
path:create Triggered when a new path is created. The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:finish Triggered when a path is finished in a valid manner. The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement. The following specific events are triggered alongside this generic event:
path:close Triggered when a path is finished by being reconnected with the start point. The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:stop Triggered when a path is finished by being stopped without reconnecting with the start point (e.g. due to a double click or a right click). The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:abort Triggered when a path is finished in an invalid manner (e.g. closed with only one anchor point). The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:segment:add Triggered when the user adds a new segment to path segment list. The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement. The following specific events are triggered alongside this generic event:
path:move-segment:add Triggered when the user adds a moveto segment to path segment list. The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:line-segment:add Triggered when the user adds a lineto segment to path segment list. The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:curve-segment:add Triggered when the user adds a curveto segment to path segment list. The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:edit Triggered when the user edits the path. The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement. The following specific events are triggered alongside this generic event:
path:last-segment:adjust Triggered when the user adjusts last added segment. (This happens, for example, when the user specifies a control point after having added a curveto segment.) The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:last-segment:replace-with-curve Triggered when the user replaces last added line segment with a curved segment. (This happens, for example, when the user begins to specify a control point after having added a lineto segment.) The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:last-segment:remove Triggered when the user removes last added segment. (This happens, for example, when the user stops drawing with a right-click). The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:interact Triggered when the user interacts with drawer overlay elements. The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement. The following specific events are triggered alongside this generic event:
path:control:adjust Triggered when the user adjusts a control path. (This happens when the user specifies a control for a curveto segment.) The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.
path:control:remove Triggered when a control path is removed from the drawer interface. (This happens when the user is finished drawing a curve.) The handler is passed a reference to the svgPath SVGPathElement.