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JointJS+ SVG


This plugins adds two new methods to the joint.dia.Paper object:

  • toSVG(callback[, opt]) - Converts the content of the paper to an SVG string and calls the callback with the SVG string as the first parameter.
  • openAsSVG() - Opens a new window with SVG representing the content of the paper.


Include joint.format.svg.js file into your HTML:

<script src="joint.format.svg.js"></script>


paper.toSVG(function(svgString) {


The toSVG(callback[, opt]) method takes an option object opt with the following parameters:

preserveDimensions boolean | object By default, the resulting SVG document has set width and height to 100%. If you'd like to have the dimensions to be set to the actual content width and height, set preserveDimensions to true. An object with width and height properties can be also used here if you need to define the export size explicitely.
area g.Rect An area, that the resulting SVG should display. The value is an object, which contains x,y,width and height, describing the origin and the size of a rectangular area on the paper in the local coordinates. It defaults to the paper content bounding box - paper.getContentBBox() transformed into the local coordinates.
// Export selected elements only and add a padding
var padding = 20;
paper.toSVG(callback, {
  area: graph.getCellsBBox(selection.collection.toArray()).inflate(padding)
convertImagesToDataUris boolean Converts all contained images into Data URI format. It defaults to false.
useComputedStyles boolean

When set to true all the styles from external stylesheets are copied to the resulting SVG export. Note this requires a lot of computations and it might significantly affect the export time.

// External stylesheet.css
.joint-link .connection { fill: none }
.joint-element rect { stroke: red }

When set to false no styles from external stylesheets are copied to the resulting SVG export. Using this option requires you to make sure all the elements and links styling is inlined.

// Store SVG Attributes right on the DOM elements
link.attr('.connection', { fill: 'none' });
element.attr('rect', { stroke: 'red' });
paper.toSVG(callback, { useComputedStyles: false });

stylesheet string

A stylesheet (as string) can be provided and appended to the resulting SVG export.

paper.toSVG(callback, {
  stylesheet: [
    '.joint-link .connection { fill: none }',
    '.joint-element rect { stroke: red }'

It defaults to true.

beforeSerialize(SVGDocument, paper) function

A function called before the XML serialization. It may be used to modify the exported SVG before it is converted to a string. The function can also return a new SVGDocument.

paper.toSVG(callback, {
  beforeSerialize: function(doc) {
    // remove all links from the exported XML
    Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('.joint-link')).forEach(function(node) {