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JointJS+ Navigator


ui.Navigator is a UI widget that displays a smaller view into a larger diagram. It's a quick way for users to navigate in diagrams with pannable and resizable rectangle.


Include joint.ui.navigator.js and joint.ui.navigator.css files to your HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="joint.ui.navigator.css">
<script src="joint.ui.navigator.js"></script>


Simply create an object of ui.Navigator type, append the navigator HTML DOM element to any container and call the render() method. The navigator requires a ui.PaperScroller object as a parameter.

const nav = new joint.ui.Navigator({
    width: 300,
    height: 200,
    padding: 10,
    zoomOptions: { max: 2, min: 0.2 }


The following table lists options that you can pass to the ui.Navigator constructor function:

paperScroller The paper scroller. See ui.PaperScroller plugin for more details.
width The width of the navigator view.
height The height of the navigator view.
padding The initial padding between the small paper inside the navigator and the navigator view rectangle edges.
zoomOptions An object with parameters controlling the zoom functions. zoomOptions.min and zoomOptions.max determine the minimum and the maximum zoom allowed when zooming via dragging the rectangle corner inside the navigator.
paperConstructor The type of the paper. Defaults to joint.dia.Paper. This is only useful if you use a different paper type for rendering your graphics. In case you inherit from joint.dia.Paper to implement some specific rendering, you can just pass your constructor function to this parameter and use the paperOptions parameter to pass additional options to your special paper.
paperOptions Options object that will be passed to the internal paper used for rendering graphics.
useContentBBox When enabled the navigator shows only the content of the paper rather than entire scrollable area. An object with a single option can be passed here to calculate the content size from the model { useModelGeometry: true }. It defaults to false.
preserveAspectRatio If disabled, the navigator will stretch the content to fit the entire navigator space. It defaults to true.


render() Render the navigator. You should call this method after you have appended the navigator view root HTML element to your container. See the Usage section.
remove() Remove the navigator and clean up all its registered event handlers. Call this once you do not need the navigator anymore.
updateCurrentView() Updates the navigator's viewport based on the associated paperScroller state. The method is debounced (the invoking is delayed until after 0 milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the method was invoked) and is called automatically when the paperScroller is scrolled or zoomed.
freeze(opt) Freeze the paper of the navigator. In this state, the paper does not automatically re-render upon changes in the graph. This is useful when for instance the navigator is collapsed (not visible on the screen). For more information see paper.freeze().
unfreeze(opt) Unfreeze the paper of the navigator. For more information see paper.unfreeze().


The joint.ui.Navigator object triggers various events that you can react on:

pan:start Triggered when the user starts panning the viewport.

The handler is passed an evt (the mousedown event).
pan:stop Triggered when the user stops panning the viewport.

The handler is passed an evt (the mouseup event).
zoom:start Triggered when the user starts zooming the viewport.

The handler is passed an evt (the mousedown event).
zoom:stop Triggered when the user stops zooming the viewport.

The handler is passed an evt (the mouseup event).